Beginners Learning Kit in Astrology
AFA Beginners Learning Kit in Astrology includes: 1. AFA Learning Cards : Set of 52 Learning cards that include: Signs, Planets, Houses, Aspects, Aspect Configurations, Jones Patterns, Dignities, Hemispheres & Quadrants. 2. Pocket Ephemeris 1900-2050. This handy abbreviated ephemeris (fits in purse or pocket) lists the planets' places every two to three days for each month. 3. Aspect Finder: Handy aspect finder wheel makes it easy to find any major or minor aspect. 4. Planetary Hour Dial: Helpful tool for determining the best hour in any day for any activity. 5. Astrology for the Absolute Beginner: Use this book in a workbook format to interpret your own chart while learning the symbolism of astrology. 6. Grant, C & E Text Book series: - Analysis of the Horoscope: Gives the physical descriptions and characteristics of the five degree divisions; - Synthesis of the Horoscope: Explains how to do a thorough delineation of planets, houses and aspects; - Predictive Astrology: Teaches methods of progression, diurnal charts, returns, solar arc directions, etc.

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