AFA offers advanced courses in astrology designed for those who are looking for in-depth study of a specific branch of astrology. Courses in Relationships, Horary, Asteroids and Medical Astrology are currently available, with additional ones scheduled to be added in the future. Each course includes lessons and exams, and every student is assigned a teacher. Use the Learn Astrology pull-down tab to learn more about the individual courses.
Learn Astrology!
It's now easier than you ever imagined to learn astrology at home, at your own pace, with the guidance of an experienced astrologer.
Easy-to-follow lessons guide you from the basics of astrology all the way through chart interpretation and time-honored predictive techniques. In addition, the course is designed to prepare students to take the first AFA certification exam.
Explore the pull-down menus under the Learn Astrology tab to read all about the course and its contents. And don't hesitate to email if you have questions. The entire course is $449.00, or choose the budget option and purchase each of the three sections individually: section 1 in binder for $189.00, and sections 2 & 3 for $169.00. Online Superstar Course is $429.00
We are esperiencing production issues which have resulted in the monthly puiblication of Today's Astrologer to be very, very late. We experienced in-house issues that were short-lived, but our printer has had equipment failure and had to order parts. We are so sorry for this inconvenience! We will should be able to return to our regular schedule this week.
New Course!!!
Kathryn Silverton Medical Astrology Course - Binder edition, Correspondence