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This day-long interactive workshop (Wednesday, May 23, 2018, UAC at the Marriott in Chicago) on astrological research and writing a successful grant application will be facilitated by association members Dr. Benjamin Dykes, Demetra George, Dr. William Morris, and Franco Minatel. They will provide an initial overview of quantitative and qualitative research models, scholarly and hybrid approaches to investigate astrological questions. You will receive help in formulating your ideas into a research question and selecting the relevant research methods. Further explorations include: distinguishing exploratory from actual research, literature reviews, research tools, software demos, structure and planning of your project, abstract design, and presentation. Lunch is included with the $35 registration fee. Click here to register. Will Morris has 37 years of clinical experience using medical astrology. He will present on politics of evidence, paradigms of inquiry and qualitative methods with attention to ethics and human subjects review. Benjamin Dykes is a prolific translator of Latin and Arabic astrological texts, and will discuss topics such as paleography, bibliographies, manuscript transmission, and other issues in understanding the meaning of astrological terms and practices in ancient and medieval cultures. Demetra George has taught the history of ancient astrology at Kepler College and the University of Oregon. She will discuss how to do scholarly research, including the use of primary sources to track the development and transmission of astrological doctrines through various cultural eras. Franco Minatel is a military/aerospace engineer as well as an astrologer. He is the director of Alphee Lavoie’s Astrological Investigators, a group dedicated to proving or disproving astrological theorems.


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